
  • Name: glutamate
  • Description: An unspecified stereoisomerism form of glutamate which showed age-related changes in the plasma metabolome. (PMID: 18384253)
Overview of age-variations
Age group comparisons
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
15708441 Age 26 ± 1, Gender ⚥ 9.58 (nM) H-MRS motor cortex
15708441 Age 54 ± 6, Gender ⚥ 8.34 (nM) H-MRS motor cortex
23701591 Age [54-57], Gender ⚥ (Taiwanese population) 4.6 (signal intensity) HNMR urine
23701591 Age [79-91], Gender ⚥ (Taiwanese population) 5.21 (signal intensity) HNMR urine
27374292 Age [25–35] (median=32), Gender ♀ (Japanese) 0.748115 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
27374292 Age [55–65] (median=60), Gender ♀ (Japanese) 1.089607 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
27374292 Age [25–35] (median=32), Gender ♂ (Japanese) 0.949468 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
27374292 Age [55–64] (median=60), Gender ♂ (Japanese) 1.407679 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
Linear regression
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
23838602 Age [17–85], Gender ⚥ 0.016 (β) UHPLC/MS/MS serum and plasma
23838602 Age [17–85], Gender ⚥ 1.6 (β) UHPLC/MS/MS serum and plasma
23838602 Age [17–85], Gender ⚥ 1.45 (β) UHPLC/MS/MS serum and plasma
23838602 Age [17–85], Gender ⚥ 1.75 (β) UHPLC/MS/MS serum and plasma
30659340 Age [20-70], Gender ⚥ -0.034 (β) wbMRSI occipital gray matter
30659340 Age [20-70], Gender ⚥ -0.27 (β) wbMRSI parietal white matter
log2 ratio/log2(FC)
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
  • Chemical Formula:
  • Systematic name:
    2-aminopentanedioic acid
  • InChI:
  • InChI Key:
  • CAS number:
Metabolite sources and localization
  • Metabolite location:
    Human organism, Body part, Human body biofluids, Biofluid tissues, Blood, Plasma, Urine, Organ, Brain, Cerebral cortex, Motor cortex, Occipital lobe, Occipital gray matter, Parietal lobe, Parietal white matter, Tissue, Excreta material
  • Metabolite source:
    Homo sapiens, endogenous metabolite
Age group comparisons
Method: H-MRS
Sample: motor cortex
PubMed PMID: 15708441

Age group comparisons
Method: HNMR
Sample: urine
PubMed PMID: 23701591

Age group comparisons
Method: UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode
Sample: serum
PubMed PMID: 27374292
Linear regression
Sample: serum and plasma
PubMed PMID: 23838602
β = 0.016 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05

Linear regression
Sample: serum and plasma
PubMed PMID: 23838602
β = 1.6 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05

Linear regression
Sample: serum and plasma
PubMed PMID: 23838602
β = 1.45 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05

Linear regression
Sample: serum and plasma
PubMed PMID: 23838602
β = 1.75 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05

Linear regression
Method: wbMRSI
Sample: occipital gray matter
PubMed PMID: 30659340
β = -0.034 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05

Linear regression
Method: wbMRSI
Sample: parietal white matter
PubMed PMID: 30659340
β = -0.27 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05