
  • Name: decanoylcarnitine
  • Description: Decanoylcarnitine is a member of the class of compounds known as acylcarnitines. Acylcarnitines are organic compounds containing a fatty acid with the carboxylic acid attached to carnitine through ... an ester bond. Thus, decanoylcarnitine is considered to be a fatty ester lipid molecule. Decanoylcarnitine is practically insoluble (in water) and a weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Decanoylcarnitine can be found in blood, feces, and urine. Within the cell, decanoylcarnitine is primarily located in the membrane. It can also be found in the extracellular space. Acylcarnitines are useful in the diagnosis of genetic disorders such as fatty acid oxidation disorders and differentiation between biochemical phenotypes of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency disorders (PMID: 12385891). Moreover, decanoylcarnitine is found to be associated with very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLAD) deficiency, glutaric aciduria II, and celiac disease, which are inborn errors of metabolism. (HMDB0000651)
Overview of age-variations
Age group comparisons
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
30113646 Age 44.6 ± 14, Gender ♀ (Dutch) 0.19 (μmol/L) ESI-MS/MS plasma
30113646 Age 44.6 ± 13, Gender ♀ (South-Asian Surinamese) 0.17 (μmol/L) ESI-MS/MS plasma
30113646 Age 44.6 ± 14, Gender ♀ (Dutch) 111.2 (% (percentage of metabolite concentration compared with baseline (100%) per 10 year increment in age; analyses were adjusted for BMI)) ESI-MS/MS plasma
30113646 Age 44.6 ± 13, Gender ♀ (South-Asian Surinamese) 109.8 (% (percentage of metabolite concentration compared with baseline (100%) per 10 year increment in age; analyses were adjusted for BMI)) ESI-MS/MS plasma
Linear regression
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
23838602 Age [17–85], Gender ⚥ 0.014 (β) UPLC-MS/MS; GC-MS serum, plasma
log2 ratio/log2(FC)
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
  • Synonym:
  • Chemical Formula:
  • Exact Mass g/mol:
  • Systematic name:
  • InChI:
  • InChI Key:
  • CAS number:
Related resources
Metabolite sources and localization
  • Metabolite location:
    Human organism, Body part, Human body biofluids, Biofluid tissues, Blood, Plasma, Serum, Urine, Tissue, Cellular (general class), Subcellular, Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, Excreta material, Feces
  • Metabolite source:
    Homo sapiens, endogenous metabolite
Age group comparisons
Method: ESI-MS/MS
Sample: plasma
PubMed PMID: 30113646

Age group comparisons
Method: ESI-MS/MS
Sample: plasma
PubMed PMID: 30113646
Linear regression
Sample: serum; plasma
PubMed PMID: 23838602
β = 0.014 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05