
  • Name: C-glycosyltryptophan
  • Description: C-glycosyltryptophan is a sugar-loaded amino acid that strongly correlates with age (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-glycosyl_tryptophan, 17, February-2019). C-glycosyltryptophan (also known as C-m... annosyltryptophan) is a tryptophan glycoconjugate that has been used as a biomarker of kidney function and is related to infectious burden and increased inflammation. It is strongly correlated with age and has been related to methylation of the promoter region of WDR85, a gene that may regulate diphthamide synthesis, important for RNA translation, cell cycle, and embryonic development, thereby supporting a role for C-glycosyltryptophan in aging and human development (PMID: 29390044).
Overview of age-variations
Age group comparisons
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
27374292 Age [25–35] (median=32), Gender ♀ (Japanese) 0.939001 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
27374292 Age [55–65] (median=60), Gender ♀ (Japanese) 1.057542 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
Linear regression
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
23838602 Age [17–85], Gender ⚥ 2.47 (β) UHPLC/MS/MS serum
log2 ratio/log2(FC)
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
  • Synonym:
Related resources
Metabolite sources and localization
  • Metabolite location:
    Human organism, Body part, Human body biofluids, Biofluid tissues, Blood, Plasma, Serum, Tissue
Age group comparisons
Method: UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode
Sample: serum
PubMed PMID: 27374292
Linear regression
Sample: serum
PubMed PMID: 23838602
β = 2.47 (y = βx + α)
p-value < 0.05