
  • Name: xanthine
  • Description: Xanthine is a purine base found in most body tissues and fluids, certain plants, and some urinary calculi. It is an intermediate in the degradation of adenosine monophosphate to uric acid, being fo... rmed by oxidation of hypoxanthine. The methylated xanthine compounds caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline and their derivatives are used in medicine for their bronchodilator effects (Dorland, 28th ed. ). Xanthine is found to be associated with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and xanthinuria type I, which are inborn errors of metabolism. (HMDB0000292)
Overview of age-variations
Age group comparisons
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
18384253 Age 24.5 ± 3, Gender ⚥ 0.58 (mean value of the compound area) LC-MS; GC-MS plasma
18384253 Age 40.8 ± 5.6, Gender ⚥ 0.76 (mean value of the compound area) LC-MS; GC-MS plasma
18384253 Age 55.6 ± 3.7, Gender ⚥ 1.27 (mean value of the compound area) LC-MS; GC-MS plasma
Linear regression
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
log2 ratio/log2(FC)
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
  • Chemical Formula:
  • Exact Mass g/mol:
  • Systematic name:
  • InChI:
  • InChI Key:
  • CAS number:
Related resources
Pathway info P = product of S = substrate of
Metabolite sources and localization
  • Metabolite location:
    Human organism, Body part, Human body biofluids, Biofluid tissues, Blood, Plasma, Cerebrospinal fluid, Sweat, Urine, Organ, Bladder, Gland, Gonad, Testicle, Intestine, Kidney, Liver, Muscle, Skeletal muscle, Prostate, Skin, Skin tissue, Epidermis, Tissue, Connective tissue, Connective tissue cell, Fibroblast, Cellular (general class), Subcellular, Cytoplasm, Peroxisome, Excreta material, Feces
  • Metabolite source:
    Homo sapiens, exogenous metabolite
Age group comparisons
Method: LC-MS; GC-MS
Sample: plasma
PubMed PMID: 18384253