5-methylthioadenosine (MTA)

  • Name: 5-methylthioadenosine (MTA)
  • Description: 5'-Methylthioadenosine (MTA) is a naturally occurring sulfur-containing nucleoside present in all mammalian tissues. It is produced from S-adenosylmethionine mainly through the polyamine biosynthet... ic pathway, where it behaves as a powerful inhibitory product. MTA is metabolized solely by MTA-phosphorylase, to yield 5-methylthioribose-1-phosphate and adenine, a crucial step in the methionine and purine salvage pathways, respectively. Evidence suggests that MTA can affect cellular processes in many ways. For instance, MTA has been shown to influence the regulation of gene expression, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis (PMID: 15313459 ). 5-Methylthioadenosine can be found in human urine. Elevated excretion appears in children with severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID) (PMID: 3987052 ).
Overview of age-variations
Age group comparisons
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
27374292 Age [55–65] (median=60), Gender ♀ (Japanese) 1.024651 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
27374292 Age [25–35] (median=32), Gender ♀ (Japanese) 0.751976 (average level of metabolite) UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode serum
Linear regression
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
log2 ratio/log2(FC)
PMID Age/Age interval, Gender Value (unit of measurement) Method Sample
  • Synonym:
    9-(5-S-methyl-5-thio-beta-D-ribofuranosyl)-9H-purin-6-amine;5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine; 9-(5-S-methyl-5-thio-β-D-ribofuranosyl)-9H-purin-6-amine; S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine
  • Chemical Formula:
  • Systematic name:
  • InChI:
  • InChI Key:
  • CAS number:
Related resources
Pathway info P = product of S = substrate of
Metabolite sources and localization
  • Metabolite location:
    Human organism, Body part, Human body biofluids, Biofluid tissues, Blood, Blood cells, Platelet, Serum, Urine, Organ, Prostate, Tissue, Connective tissue, Connective tissue cell, Fibroblast, Cellular (general class), Subcellular, Cytoplasm, Excreta material
  • Metabolite source:
    Homo sapiens, endogenous metabolite
Age group comparisons
Method: UHPLC-MS/MS Positive mode
Sample: serum
PubMed PMID: 27374292